Sunday, September 21, 2008

Olimpics : Then & Now

A bit past the date of the Olympics but since we had the competitions this year I thought it would be interesting to post an article I found on BBC that compares the purpose and the way people view the Olympics in Ancient Greece versus the phenomena that it is now. Before, the Olympics were a popular way to encourage fitness and the winners were thought to be championed by the gods. Nowadays, you see that the promotion if athleticism is still the key part of the Olympics but we see that it has turned from a religious focus to that of national identity and pride for your country. What is your take on the matter?

Link :

Sorry, I'm not that skilled at this so I do not know how to post a link.


> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

veryy cool cecii !

well i love the olymics and what you said is true because it is something that represents your nationality but i think that the greek city-states must of had the same feeling in the competitions. I like cant imagine having an olympics purely on athleticism, without the whole nationality issue; like people when they argue->
person 1: yeah USA is going to win because we are faster
person 2:; no japan is going to win because we are better in soccer

.. sσpнιɑ ‹ :) * said...

I think that it is difficult for us to think of the Olympics with a religious purpose because nowadays the main focus is not only "showing off" your country's athletes and their skills, but it is a common ground for the entire world. Something EVERYBODY no matter where you live can talk about. As Fafi said, the nationality issue is also a key factor of the Olympics beside athleticism, its something that was most likely around even during the first Olympics because the competitors wanted (and still want) their city-state to succeed and be recognized for its athletic achievements as all teams do nowadays.

The winners still continue to be treated with high regards. (Obviously not religious related though.) A great example of this is Michael Phelps. Due to his achievements, he has traveled to many places and has been bestowed great honors by our country as well as other parts of the world.

Jose Oscar said...

As you all know I love sports this is why I also love the Olympics specially the ones in Beijing this year. The Olympics exists since a very long time. Even though the Olympics have not been held every four years, since its origin, because of global issues they have become a very well known event throughout the world, which everybody is waiting since the very end of an Olympic. Since Olympics exist like three millennia ago it is well known it has gone through some changes and continuities, for example the Olympics in Greece with a religious purpose and now a days people who participate in the Olympics consider the Olympics as having a lot of pride for themselves and specially for their country. One thing that we can see that has not changed of the Olympics is that the winners in an Olympic is respected and seen as a very strong person and intelligent person.

Andy said...

I have to agree with everybody that has written on this blog because all of you have a good point and I was going to write the same thing until I read what all of you wrote. Michael Phelps has received so many honors for winning many and all gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He even opened and introduced Lil Wayne's act at the MTV VMA's. I believe that the biggest part of the Olympics is the fact that you have the majority of the countries in the world competing for an internationally recognized honor and they unite under one goal without discrimination or religious attacks and most of all for the fun of the game and the fame.

P.S. My father is going to represent Puerto Rico in the Curling Team in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver

gaby said...

I bet that the greek not only did the Olympics as a religious thing but i can bet on it that the winners were taken back proudly to their home city state and treated almost like the king. I mean, it was obviously a HUGE religous festival in which all the city states would stop fighting and compete in the games. (wow!!!)
JUst to add something, its is just (relatively) recent that the olympics became a big deal. In the year 1896 the first formal olympics were held and only 13 nations participated with only 484 contestants.
FuN fAcTs: did U know that tug-of-war was an official olympic game up until 1920.
or did you know that No country in the Southern Hemisphere has ever hosted a Winter Games.

©є¢ï£ïα. * Jöγ . said...

I really found this particular article very interesting because it showed how events and traditions change over time to accommodate the contemporary situation.
How the Olympics evolved into a competition to show what your county is made of [showing off as Sophie said]and to bring that sense of recognition and pride about your country.
I also imagined how at first this was created to promote fitness and to see that the level that this has reached in modern times. How this has almost turned into a standard of excellence with athletes like Michael Phelps and the runner whose name escapes me.

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

I think all commentaries are similar hence I think we all more or less agree on the importance of the Olympics and its athleticism. Also, a key fact is that it is something that everyone knows about and it something that changes peoples lives.

andy that is really cool, good luck for your father ! hope he does good!!

Jose said...

well the Olympics are really fun. yea i love to see all those people do what they do. what interests me the most is that in some years there's a person that excells in one sport and looks unhuman doing it. for example that guy that swam very fast an looked liek fish. Anyway, i think that the Olympics have lost their true meaning. Now its just a contest among nations to see who has he best athletes. Also, its all about the money, and advertisements. if im not mistaken, i saw on TV that Visa was being sponsored and the only card that u culd use to buy anything was Visa. Tell me that that isnt bout money. How much $$$ do u think Visa obtained from all of those purchases, etc.

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

They probably took Obiilsks because of what Jose says and maybe as just a form of showing their dominance. Also, although i have no real substantial reason to say this but it almost seems like the figure became even more culturally connected to the people of Aksums when they gave it back. Not the best blog i put, and i also know that it's a little late, but technically in edline it says sept. 30 so i'm still in time.

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

I just want to start off by saying that I love watching the Olympics, and think that there are enough hours of the olympics to make an entire chanel based on re-runs off the past olympics. And thatchannel would be a hit.

Miguel aka ladies man said...

alright, since I am the last person to say anything i really have not much to say that has already been said already. so i decided to put some interesting facts about the Olympics. Many people know about the Olympics since they symbolize pride and a way to nicely show off but did you know what the Olympic flag symbolizes?
the flag was created by Pierre de Coubertin. the flag has five interconnected rings. this rings symbolize the five continents and are connected to symbolize the friendships during the games. The Olympic flag was first flown during the 1920 Olympic Games.

Bravo, you may hate me for this but i hate the Olympic spirit. i mean, everyone is so happy and hugging that its hard to know who won in the end. i agree with a friend of mine who says that he does not like the way medals are handed out. He proposed that medals should be given per sport. i mean, do u know why Michael Phelps won eight gold medals? because he can swim fast doing one lap, doing four laps, alone or with other three people. so i believe that if someone should want to have multiple medals that he should do multiple sports. that way winning various medals would actually mean something big. that way if Michael Phelps wants to win eight medals he would have to take running, soccer, weight lifting, ect.

gaby said...
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emanuelbravo said...

Miguel, I agree with you completely, international gatherings like these ones are a booster of optimism. The illusion that countries with striking political differences are sharing peacefully brings hope. I love that you brought the historical background of the Olympics- in fact- Pierre de Coubertin ignited the olympic movement to usher an era of progress and fraternity at the end of the Franco-Prussian War- the mother war of WWI in the late XIX century. It's exhilarating to see different nations rally around peace and hope. Great job!