Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Way and its Power

This chapter caught my attention because of the philosophies created during and after the period of the Warring States, specifically Daoism. The grand scheme of conquering and being conquered is very interesting, and significant, but even more remarkable, is how through all the violence, man can detach himself from the survival mind frame to reflect, reminisce, and evaluate himself, his surroundings and how it all fits in the worldly equation, to ultimately create a philosophy of life, society, human interpretation (of basically everything), and how people should function and behave, in the hopes for peace and prosperity within a civilization, but more importantly within oneself.
Daoism ,like Confucianism, is exactly that.
In the core of Daoism, the Daodejing stands as the core text of the philosophy, not religion, with small verses of nature, simplicity, how to live life, what philosophically Daoism is, excetera.
The verse in our History book ,in p.212, talks about simplicity, and completely motivated me to find more verses from the Daodejing. Here are three verse from the Daodejing about Qualities, distractions and the continuity of Tao. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Comment and make your own interpretation on those and any other poem that connect to you personally from the site:

Too much color blinds the eye
Too much tone deafens the ear
Too much taste dulls the palate
Too much play maddens the mind
Too much desire tears the heart.
The sage provides for the belly, not for the senses;
He lets go of sensation and accepts substance.

14. The Continuity of Tao

Looked at but cannot be seen - it is beyond form;
Listened to but cannot be heard - it is beyond sound;
Grasped at but cannot be touched - it is beyond reach;
These depthless things evade definition,
And blend into a single mystery.
In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not exist,
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name mystery,
Meet it, it has no face,
Follow it, it has no back.
Understand the past, but attend the present;
In this way you know the continuity of Tao,
Which is its essence.


When Beauty is recognised in the World
Ugliness has been learned;
When Good is recognised in the World
Evil has been learned.
In this way:
Alive and dead are abstracted from growth;
Difficult and easy are abstracted from progress;
Far and near are abstracted from position;
Strong and weak are abstracted from control;
Song and speech are abstracted from harmony;
After and before are abstracted from sequence.
The sage controls without authority,
And teaches without words;
He lets all things rise and fall,
Nurtures, but does not interfere,
Gives without demanding,
And is content.

Go to the link and read poems # 1, 4, 10, 16, 25, 29, 34, & 60. They'll help you grasp what Daoism is better (if a definition can be grasped).


> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

i posted first muahahahahahaha .
i like the first poem .

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

First of all, in poem one, I agree with it because too much of anything is always bad even if its a good thing

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

omg the 3rd one rocksss !! i love it ! its truee... takes one to knowww onee concept

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

2nd one is depp. too deep for me to analyze rite now ... jejej but it sounds pretty

i like all three chachi good choice ! :)

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

CHACHI: Did you just randomly decide to make a complex post ?? like for fun with coherent poems from a reference for like no particular reason ???

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

i have made like 6 posts and all are like wimpy and with no info but my overall feel towards the poems is they rock .

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

I posted this blog because the book emphasizes mostly on the concepts of survival, like the conquer or be conquered concept, which is seen a lot in Rome,Persia, Greece, ect. Although the survival concept is crucial in history it seems like things like religion, and philosophy are some what put in the back burner. The book mentions religion and philosophy but doesn't really go that deep into them. I know that in this chapter they focused a little more on China's philosophy (Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism) than they have on other civilizations but like always it wasn't the main topic, so for the blog I decide to focus in on the Doadejing.
I know it wasn't my turn but I figured my turn would just be accepted as this blog.(this comment was for fafi)

.. sσpнιɑ ‹ :) * said...

is this post for a grade ? or were u just bored chachi ??

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...


Andy said...

I am really happy Robert posted this blog. It has helped me see how the mind works and why people need to be connected with the Earth. The first poem is the best poem of all. It is really true and it has to do with being completely here, being in the present and being in what you need to be in at the certain moment of time. this is really what Cheo says to us pretty much everytime we have class. This post of yours has really helped me understand the China chapter much better. It has also helped me undertsand Daoism much better.

Thank you for the enlightening post Robert.

gaby said...
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gaby said...

YEah the poems are so true. I relate to them because it's true, sometimes i do feel overstressed and tense. That's why i like Daoism a lot. Practicly all they see is "chill, relax, have fun" and a bunch of other deep stuff.

gaby said...

sAY WHAT?! Is this for grade or not?
jeje, im confused!

gaby said...

Ps chachi, i can't beleive u did this 4 "fun."

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

woow andy te amoo ! :) jajajajajajajajajaajajajaajajajajajajajajajajajaja

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

fafi your comments suck. You know i have the power to erase them.

Miguel aka ladies man said...

jajajajajaja, chachi's right. fafi ur comments do suck but chachi dont erase them they make everyone else look good. jajajaja

by the way is this for grade, because until i get a straight answer that it is i wont post anything meaningful and that takes time.

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

Yes it's for a grade. Bravo told me.

> ๑ . ƒαƒιlcισus ƒαƒι . tჃy * . : ) said...

im not a poem person lol......
my coments dont suckk ! they rock :)
you suck chachi :P jejejej
tripiando te amo !

.. sσpнιɑ ‹ :) * said...


Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

i need two more comments to have 23 comments making this the post with the most comments in this blog so here is the first.

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

and here's the second. So now i have the most comments in Constantinople history.

Miguel aka ladies man said...

maybe so chachi, but most of them have no substance at all. Thus making it the worst and longest in Constantinople history.

Andy said...

this is all so funny

Roberto Gorbachev/Chachi/Secretario/Chacher said...

just because the comments suck doesn't mean the blog was bad. The blog was awsome.

Jose said...

ok yea i relate to Daoism bcuz im always tense, movin' around, hurrying 2 do stuff, & barely have any time 2 spare. i wish there wa daoism in PR so i didnt hav 2 do so much stuff like real all those poems hat chachi posted. The post sucks bcuz there was 2 much nonsense in the posts. and it also sucks cuz chachi made it 2 long just 2 make our likes more difficult. u gonna get a medal 4 this chachi? hope it was worth it.